Machine Data Cluster 5 Concrete Technology
For the machines considered in the cluster - concrete pumps, truck mixers, etc. - there is currently no standard to which OEMs can refer in order to be able to provide the machine data that is important for machine operators in a uniform manner across manufacturers.
For this reason, OEMs today have isolated solutions for providing machine data that are difficult or impossible for operators of mixed fleets to manage uniformly, e.g., as part of fleet management systems, or to integrate into higher-level systems for efficient mapping of processes.
The overarching goal of the cluster is to significantly improve this situation by creating a practical standard for manufacturers and operators based on ISO 15143. The results must be developed jointly with all stakeholders, from manufacturers to service providers and end users, in order to create real added value for the industry.
However, the machine condition data defined in ISO 15143 cannot be applied comprehensively to all the machines considered in the cluster. In addition, the defined data are not regulated in a sufficiently concrete manner in some cases and exhibit a scope for interpretation that stands in the way of a uniform provision of data. Furthermore, the data set described in ISO 15143 covers only part of the machine condition data relevant for the machine operators of the machines considered in the cluster. The mapping of specific processes on the construction site or in higher-level logistics cannot be mapped with this.
In the first step, the definitions of ISO 15143 were applied to the machines under consideration in the cluster. In the process, it was determined which of the defined data fields were applicable and how these were to be interpreted uniformly.
As already explained, the machine condition data defined in ISO 15143-3 cover only part of the relevant machine condition and process data required for the management of the machines and for the efficient design of higher-level processes. Therefore, in a next step, further required machine condition as well as quality and process data for the machines considered in the cluster are to be identified and defined in detail. This is already the content of the current activities in the cluster.