Machine data
M2B Communication - Machine to BIM Communication
An essential aspect of the services desired by users is the usability of the acquired data in Building Information Modeling - BIM for short.
For this purpose, the same data streams and data formats from the area of system architecture/data formats can be used.
The short-term goal is the simplified use and maintenance of BIM due to binding and manufacturer-independent data interfaces to BIM.
M2M - Machine to Machine Communitation
Machine-to-machine communication
Communication between machines is a very important aspect of digitization. The vision of the distant future is the fully automated construction site.
The short-term goal in the area of M2M communication and in the responsible
System Architecture/File Formats working group is to reach agreement on uniform data transmission on the same channel and in the same transmission/data format across all manufacturers and machines.
This eliminates the need for subsequent and time-consuming "translation" and adaptation of the data.
ISO 15143-3 - a uniform understanding of the data.
Machines already supply a wide range of data, but this varies from machine type to machine type, and is output on different transmission channels and in different formats.
The short-term goal of the machine data working group is to agree on a uniform understanding of the data supplied by the machines across all manufacturers. Initially, pure machine data such as on/off, operating hours, etc. will be considered.
To this end, experts in seven machine clusters will analyze the applicability of ISO 15143-3 in order to make this standard usable for the requirements at hand.
Cluster 1 - Earthmoving machines
Cluster 2 - Cranes
Cluster 3 - Special civil engineering machines
Cluster 4 - Road construction machinery
Cluster 5 - Concrete technology
Cluster 6 - Processing technology (not yet active)
Cluster 7 - Attachments
Cluster 8 - Electrically powered machines
In this first step, the focus is on machine condition data.
Machine work data and data on the quality of the work performed will follow in the subsequent work steps.